Hentsch Man Spring 2014 Mens Presentation

Hentsch Man 2014 Spring Mens Presentation - London Collections Men: Designer Denim Jeans Fashion: Season Collections, Runways, Lookbooks and Linesheets

Take a look at Hentsch Man’s 2014 Spring Mens Presentation at London Collections Men. Designer Alexia Hentsch’s inspiration came from a trip to Baja, California in Mexico. The looks were a mix of the hot desert, a rebellious attitude and a seasoned rock star vibe. Trendy colors used were the Samoan Sun yellow, Dazzling blue and Calypso Coral red. Denim and jeanswear stuck to a slim raw appeal and a roll up shorts. Stripes, ethnic prints, watercolor artwork and plaids added some spunk to the wardrobes. From the presentation, we selected only the top looks and our favorite pieces.

Hentsch Man 2014 Spring Mens Presentation - London Collections Men: Designer Denim Jeans Fashion: Season Collections, Runways, Lookbooks and Linesheets

Hentsch Man 2014 Spring Mens Presentation - London Collections Men: Designer Denim Jeans Fashion: Season Collections, Runways, Lookbooks and Linesheets

Hentsch Man 2014 Spring Mens Presentation - London Collections Men: Designer Denim Jeans Fashion: Season Collections, Runways, Lookbooks and Linesheets

Designer Denim Jeans Fashion:
Season Collections, Campaigns and Lookbooks.
Credit and Source Link:

images via vogue.co.uk

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